yep! And, it seems like you'ld never have the energy to tell ALL of what you experience so you wouldnt be understood anyway,so why tell it at all. I mean, when i go to talk to psyke, i tell him something that i feel then by the time im done telling it, i dont feel THAT way anymore, but another. Everythng is so real when your telling it, but then i over explain things too much, and just wear out trying to explain what i've explained. Everything perfect or not at all...ugh!!! Then im upset cause i've told too much about ME, and i still know, that im not understood anyway, and if someone thinks they understand, it makes me upset cause i think HOW on earth do they think they can understand me.....who do they think they are......WOW, wher did all that come from,,,

Anyway, it's hard cause i dont want to let anyone "in" but then how do ya get help....hum, guess i got nothing clear hear oh well, mabie you guys understand. Im just in a "mood" i guess... :roll: