

New member
I just moved to Vancouver about a month ago. I'm not really used to living in a big city like this and its got me a little freaked out. It would be really nice to talk to someone who understands. I am a little older than you (25 m) and I also suffer from social anxiety and agoraphobia.
I live in the downtown Vancouver area and I would be interested to chat with you or anyone from BC.


I live in New Westminster. I am suffering with a low back problem at the moment and am on sick leave from work. I am hoping to return to work soon, but I am not sure if I am ready. I started worrying about everything and now my old panic feelings are starting to surface.

Would love to hear from someone out there!!!


New member

Hi, I'm from Richmond, B.C. Are any of you guys willing to chat or meet this summer? I can relate a lot to other SP'ers so I'm interested in getting together. We can talk or do a little activity or something.

:) Sim


New member
Hi Everyone.

I'm from Vancouver too... a bit older though. 32 male. I recently started having bouts with social aniety, usually in strange places like supermarkets or on buses. Dating has been pretty much a nightmare as well LOL. It only started maybe back in January so I don't know how to really deal with it. I can sometimes sweat pretty bad and get flushed. It sucks.
Years ago I had a really bad bout (2+yrs) of hypochondria so I know anxiety is something that could be with me for a long time.
I'm just on here to talk to people and exchange ideas of how to deal with something that's as humiliating and frustrating as SA. Some friends that understand me would be cool too.
What are some of your guys' experiences you've had with social anxiety?
