3 options


option 1. say no the girl gets upset

option 2. maybe the girl gets upset

option 3. say aye and agree to the situation after drinking 30 units of booze and still being able to have a sensible converstion the girl gets upset

how can i win:confused:

johnny 85

Well-known member
option 1. say no the girl gets upset

option 2. maybe the girl gets upset

option 3. say aye and agree to the situation after drinking 30 units of booze and still being able to have a sensible converstion the girl gets upset

how can i win:confused:

hahaha, ya cant win. shes right and ur wrong :D. ( if theres one ting i learned, its that they are always right !! )


and if theres one ting i learned, dont agree with an an irishman::p:

so ive changed it.

option 1: ignore the girl....girl gets upset

option 2: say no...girl gets paranoid but understands

option 3:say no and mention being toasted...girl understands without paranoia
er.....find a new girl that won't get upset at all three options??:confused:

oh.....now you've changed it!.....have to think over new options.....be back.:D

back; ok, new option number 3.::p:
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It's about his grandma!?!?!?......oh well then, um.......er.......that's a tough one! Grandma's are very difficult:confused: Is she a nice Grandma or a mean one?
Either the 'girl' word usage is unusual... or he is a time traveller for real. If his grandmother is a girl... qed.


Well-known member
easy keep farting in front of the girl , then the girl will think your disgusting and walk away from you anyways , but you must eat lots of beans before you meet the girl ;)
*scratch head*

How are you guys understanding this thread?

No one understands all the mysteries of life Nack... All that is left to us is to try... with everything that is within us. With that in mind..

To OP: You just need to rub your red sneakers together and say... "There's no place like home... there's no place like home... there's no place like home..."