25/yo male uk - Excessive all over body sweating problem ?


New member
Hi ,

I just joined this forum while looking for information on why i sweat so much.

I never used to sweat at all , but since the age of about 20 i started sweating more and more.

Now i cant even walk 100 meters without having my shirt soaking.

It happens even sitting reading the newspaper and seems to be worse , under my eyes and on my forehead.

Has anyone experienced similar problems like this , and know a possible treatment ?

My doctor says its proberly down to weight but im only 14 Stone and always have been , plus i know guys who are 25 Stone and dont sweat even a quarter of what i sweat.

Also Could it be related to nerves ?

Thanks ... markuk25


Well-known member
In my experience, it has nothing to do with nerves, not that nerves doesn't make it worse.

I can be in my house, alone, simply fixing a screw to a wall and the sweat will fall off me. I can be at a BBQ sitting at a table and eating a burger in the heat of the sun and it falls off me. I can be at a meeting in a stuffy room and it falls off me. I can be standing in the London underground and it falls off me. It simply is a condition that aflicts me. When in pressurised situations, I am sure it can get worse, but the condition exists, for me, in any situation.

I am also about a stone and a half overweight, but 20 years ago when I was superfit, I was still the same in sweating terms.

I am relatively lucky in that I work in a country that doesn't have too many really hot days. I couldn't cope in a truly hot country.

But to balance this problem, for 9 months a year I cope perfectly fine. I have worked out what I can and can't do comfortably. Between September and May I can cope reasonably well. I still sweat profusely doing sport or DIY in the house, but work and social occasions are tolerable even if sometimes sweaty.

You are not alone. I've not put down any possible cures as there are many suggestions on here and everyone is different.

Good luck.


Well-known member
Hey, excessively sweating is most certainly a b*tch to put it nicely. To answer your question, i think why you are sweating is probably due to your nerves, how ever being self contious too i find doesn't make it any better. I'm not saying your selfish or tryin to assume anythin, but fact is alot of SA sufferers are often very self contious which doesn't mean selfish, however its stil not very healthy. I usually sweat almost wherever, from school to even talking to girls on msn . . . . :lol: . I personally sweat more under my arms rather then forehead or under-eyes, and i've never tried any treatments what so ever :? . . . . so the best advice i can give, is maybe trying to think outside yourself during those times you sweat excessively, even if it means doing something which puts your mind off it (without harming or distressing yourself).

Oh . . . and your both blessed to live where you are . . . . in terms of temperature and climate :p


New member
I am 44 yrs. old and I never used to sweat, and for the last year or so I sweat a whole lot especially when I am in bed. I am a small person so I know it is not my weight. I am on quiet a few meds. Mostly anxiety and pain due to a very recent back surgery. Does any one have any answers or suggestions?Thankx


Well-known member
Gabby, I would suggest starting another new thread as you'll be more likely to get responses than posting on this old one. If you just want generic answers to your question then Pinkers post at the top of the threads gives all known options.

If you want more personal replies then i suggest you post a bit more about your own curcumstances on a new thread.