1st day at psychologist and he gave ME 20 bucks!


Funny ey. I got given 20 bucks to be involved in a survey with people with anxiety and abuse drugs(even though I quit bud 4 weeks ago). Straight up 20 bucks in cash for filling in a few forms. Don't have to pay a cent plus I get 16 weeks of counselling for my anxiety. Can it get any better? I get another 10 bucks in 3 months and another 10 in 6 months.

I'm going to beat this shit and so should everyone else. Get off your arse and go get help. There isn't any point of sitting there and doing nothing. It seems hard in your mind but it is only your mind saying this shit. All counsellors know what your going through. Go get help.

If you live in AUS call headspace. They have everything in one building. I am also getting some anxiety pills after christmas aswell. Fuck yeah.

Have a good one.


Well-known member

I'm really happy for you.

Can you tell me how quitting bud for 4 weeks has affected you ?

How much did you smoke before ?

Physical and mentally, what are the differences you feel ?


Well before I quit I was smoking everyday, all day. Around 30 bongs a day. Killed me when I quit. I pretty much had to avoid all my mates and when I did see my mates I had double the anxiety. I couldn't sleep much at all and I struggled to eat much. I got angry a bloody lot aswell. I didn't really know what to do with myself as all I had done was smoke bud. I quit all my sport and school and was stuck doing nothing.

Before I quit I was close to all my mates and wasn't even thinking about my anxiety but since I have quit it has got a lot worse. I have grown away from all my mates and see my mates that don't smoke bud more than my drug mates now.

There have been positives aswell but. When I was smoking I would go to a mates, get smashed with the boys, have a laugh and then go home and sleep....day after day. Now I actually see my mum and my family. I still don't talk to my brothers and sisters but atleast I see them. The last positive is I found out what was wrong with me and decided to get help. If I was on choof I would have just kept spiralling out of control. I was also taking other drugs aswell and stopped taking them.

If you're thinking about quitting I recommend you do it and start fixing your anxiety in reality. Choof only masks it. It's a hard journey and I did it all by myself but it's is worth it in the end.

Everything happens for a reason. Your life will sort itself out if you make a few right decisions.


Well-known member
I used to smoke everyday, but it was only 1 joint per day at night.

I slowly cut down, and now I smoke about 2 joints per week.

I don't think it's much, and not sure at this point if quitting is the best thing for me.