

Active member
Anyone else here from Edmonton? Maybe we could talk on the phone or something!!! ANYTHING!!! I can't find any meetings here so this is the next best thing I guess! :wink:


Active member
jesuschristschild said:
i live in calgary....near to the heritage train station :)

Never been to Calgary, hear it's better than living here though. Except for the real estate prices! Outrageous!
I'm from Alberta too, doesn't it seem like rednecks are especially insensitive to social phobia- because they're usually so damn talkaltive!


Well-known member

Yeah im from StAlbert. just outside of Edmonton :).Nice to see other people from the area too


Well-known member
Edmonton here.

(forgive me, I'm new, and intimidated by internet communication, so I have no idea what else to say)


Well-known member
Hows it in Edmonton for you?

Hows life in Edmonton for you? How old are you guys btw, im 31, male


New member
howdy all
im almsot 22 years old and ive suffered from social phobia since i was 15 i live in edmonton ........... just a question to all, what r ur friendships like?
myself i dont have alot of friends who arent family well infact i dont have any friends i hang around with at all to be honest who arent family lol am i the only one?
keep smiling


Well-known member
Hey, I'm also 22, in Edmonton. I have a boyfriend and one friend who I've known for a long long time...and that's about it, so...its not exactly the same situation, although these people are really family like family to me. I know how you feel. I have no idea how to meet people. You're not alone. [/i]
I'm old,31. I also have a boyfriend and 1 friend. I have a million acquaintances but I don't have the social competence to take it any further than that.
Hi people im from Edmonton and i just found this site.....i recently found out i had social phobia....i always thought it was just me.I quit drinking 2 years ago because i was a drunk...but thats how i delt with people...drunk.I can work and have a good career but since my sobriety i rarely leave the house and cant be a part of my alcoholic recovery network because im so frickin scared.I started to see an anylist and this how i found out about social phobia......im just interested to know if we ever get better and talk with some people from edmonton or where every really about this thing......... :roll: see ya ......J
Welcome Really_Confused!

Sounds like you are on the right track with sobriety and therapy. I can see how someone with SA could become alcholic, I've used alcohol for social situations quite often... I even remember being in high school track and field and bringing in a spiked coke bottle because I was so nervous about people watching me. I didn't know I had SA then though.

Good luck!