12 hours to go...


Well-known member
This might seem really depressing, apologies if it does, but what'd you do if the world was ending for sure and you had say 12 hours left? I'm still thinking about what i'd do...xx


Well-known member
That is cool Grumblina, your dog is a cutey! I think i'd hang with my dog too, eat chocolate cheesecake! mmmm and go to a lake/river, gosh, why don't I do these things now??


Well-known member
eat last supper with my mum, my mates and my gf. and make love 1 more time, it has to be done.



Well-known member
I would eat everything that i don't allow myself to eat - i'd gorge myself on junk. In between eating or whilst - i would just let go of my emotions and reveal my feelings to my loved ones and be incredibly honest.