Thank you Toronto star,


Well-known member
That article was crap. If you push people long enough, they'll push back.

And since when do you need evidence of bullying? Why would somebody with an inflated ego lie about being bullied? Just to feel victimized?


Well-known member
Wow, it doesn't take much to become a journalist nowadays apparently. The whole article is ad hominem vitriol drawn from unfounded generalisations...sounds a lot like what he's accusing his subject of. As for the actual incident, yes, the obligatory denunciation of the incident must be made.

However, it would behoof those in the positions to make a difference in the lives of young people (teachers, social workers, etc.) to take note of the reasons cited by (how would you describe him? perpetrator, murderer, gunman, blah blah blah or simply Kimveer Gill...why the need to demonise?). The degradation of individuals that goes on, day after day, by others who do so for various reasons (bolstering their own ego or the feeling of power derived from treating another human like dirt) continues unabated. It is tacitly accepted, as teachers and peers turn a blind eye.

If Mr. Gill were in the military and decided to go on a shooting spree amongst a village full of civilians, would the reaction have been different? I haven't heard much about Falluja recently.


Well-known member
You're definitely right in your first post, anybody with any kind of 'loner' tendencies are going to be viewed with extreme suspicion for awhile, until the media fixates on something else to feed its voyeuristic audience.