T T T's Journal


Well-known member
I have decided to keep this journal mostly for myself, and if people find it interesting, care to share advice or similar experiences, then thank you very much. :)

Now, I will say now that not all of my posts will be rants and cries for help, though there will probably be quite a number of them. That said, I would like to keep this journal interesting, and try and provide any readers with information such as people that are inspiring me, current music, positive things I have done throughout the day; that sort of thing. :)

So about me then I guess.
I have just finished compulsary eductation, my final GCSE (O Level) exams are tomorrow. Geography and media, dosen't get much easier right? I am so nervous, and not because of the exams. I will reluctantly begin the day at 7am, get showerd and changed into my skinny jeans, black and red striped buttoned shirt, and blue jumper; I like to plan. As eight oclock begins to approach I will begin to feel sick and nervous as the idea of getting on the school bus on my own approaches. I will awkwardley sit alone on the bus surrounded by excited school pupils, and focus intently on my music, i'm thinking.. Angels and Airwaves? :D So finally I will get off the bus, stand up by my seat and wait for half the bus to get off before me, do my awkward twitch that I seem to do when I feel like i'm beging watched, say an un-noticed 'thank you' to the bus driver, and finally get off the bus. As the entire schools seems to surround me being unloaded from their busses, I swiftly and awkwardly walk towards my girlfriend, who is always with a large group of friends. I will go over, we will break away from the crowd and everything will be fine. However, when the angry Scottish teacher tells us it is time to depart, that is when the dreaded walk to the students waiting outside the exam hall begins. As I walk over and faces become more recognisable I will desperatley try and pick someone out that I can stand with, whilst I worry that each member of the crowd is staring at me. Once we are told to line up in to order to make finding our seat in the exam easier, all is fine. Lots of people are on their own then because they have been told to break away from their friends, so I don't look to obvious. Walking in and out of the exam hall is obviously terrifying, but once i'm sat down and getting on with my thing, everything is more or less fine. I will then meet my girlfriend for lunch, and afterwards repeat all that.

This is what has encouraged me to start this journal. I am interested to predict a certain event, and describe how I believe it will go and then actual reality of it; though I probably wont do this every time.

So this is my Journal, I hope you find it interesting. I will be sure to post my exam experience tomorrow and find out how it went.

Thank you. :)
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Well-known member
It was as if I woke up with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, like it had been growing since the second I fell asleep. As I got ready for the day I could feel myself tensing up as I imagined the run-through of the day. As time to leave the house approached I began to shake and shiver, and the sick feeling was starting to intensify. As I left the house, my paranoia stole away any time I may have had to rest my mind. The ten minute wait for the bus felt like forever. I don't think I have ever started quite so intently at a pavement as I did this morning.

When I saw the huge maroon bus appear around the corner my heart sank so far that I swear it joined the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I awkwardley clamberd onto the bus and found a welcoming seat. I turned on my Angels and Airwaves music and tried to sink into my little world. As we pulled up in to school it felt like the world had closed in around me, crushing away any bit of life I had left. I met my girlfriend for a minute, and then walked over to my exam.

I desperatley searched the crowd to pick out someone I could stand with, and thankfully I did. I didn't say much to them, but they welcomed me and were happy for me to join them. After the exam they accompanied me to take some of my text books back to my teachers, and then we walked in to town to buy some lunch. We then seperated and I went back to school and they stayed in town. I was alone, and the world seemed like a awful place once again. As I walked down the alleys to find the quietest way back to school, every person I saw was going to kill me, or at least that is what I thought.

The sun was beaming as brightly and the warmth was making such a short walk feel like a real drag. I walked past numerous people on my way back in to school, each time focusing intently on the pavement in a hope that they are doing the same.

I had one more text book to hand in. Though firstly I had to wait for the class to leave, there was no way I was walking in infront of a whole class. Upon leaving, they left in their millions. Each one with it's own selfish, judgemental mind wondering why I am stood there. Finally I got in to the classroom and was told how much of a "pleasure" I have been to teach over the last few years. This would have made anyone blush, never mind someone who is practically allergic to compliments and has just walked for 15 minutes in the mid morning heat. I was sweaty from head to toe and after what seemed like an eternity of unnecessary compliments, I could finally exit this building. I had to fight my sweaty way through a never ending amount of people leaving their class rooms and lingering around waiting for their 'friends'.

Finally I could go and meet my girlfriend, and after that it was all okay. More awkward waiting, more Angels and Airwaves, but nothing really to complain about. I belive it did turn out marginally better than I expected it would, but I can't say that it saddens me that I don't have any more exams.

Thank you for reading. :)
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Well-known member
Well I haven't written in this for a very long time.
Since this my Social Anxiety has got worse, to the extent that I just want to stay at home all day and will do everything I can to avoid social contact with anyone other than my girlriend and family.

I presented my parents with a letter explaining my Social Ineptitude, and they encouraged me to visit the doctor. I now have a counciling appointment in two weeks time. I guess this is good, I just don't know what good it will do. I don't really know if i'm ready to change now. I'm not sure if i'm ready for someone to try and get inside my head and persuade me to take 'baby steps' and tell me that these awful consiquences are all made up in my head.

However, I am a 16 year old boy with as many dreams and ambitions to fulffil as the next. I want to go out see the world, play music, take photographs, make friends, be happy; and this is the first step towards this. :)


Well-known member
I have many ambitions in my life. I am what you call a dreamer.

I aspire to be a professional photographer, musician, and combining those two, an artist; of course this proves difficult with SP growing ever worse.

If you have seen my contributions to the "Photography" thread on this forum, those are a few of my photographs and I am currently trying to sell a few in an art exhibition.

As for the musician part, I have been obsessed with music for as long as I can remember. I don't mean just enjoy it, and listen to it a lot, I mean actually have to listen to it, and without it I begin to loose myself. About 6 years ago this obsession lead me to learn to play the guitar and sing, and apparently I was, and still am pretty good at it. I play at folk clubs, these are small sessions where you sit/stand at the front, play your stuff, and people listen to you. Now for someone without SP this is quite a nerve wracking thing to do, nevertheless, I enjoy it. I enjoy people listening to me, people respecting and appreciating my presence and contribution, but most of all, I can be myself. I know on talent shows people always say "Music is everything to me, it's the only time i'm truly happy", but in my case, this really is true. So anyway, these people have supported me since I was young, and since I write songs they have always helped me out, given me advice etc, and they have offered to record me a CD in their professional recording studio.

Now for anyone who wants to make it as a professional musician, this would be a wish came true; and it is, really. But, then the SA kicks in. What will people think? People will laugh at me. People wont get it. I'm just a quiet kid, i'm not worth this; etc etc. Playing the music, and recording it is fine. Selling the CD and myself, well, I don't think I want to.

When I say an artist, I don't mean like Van Gough, as awesome as that would be.. No, I mean combining my two passions together, I want to create an art form that presents myself. Currently, I am completley unable to let any new person in, or express myself in anyway. This however, if I sucseeded, even just on a small scale, would change my life. To show people who I am, to show people I am not a hollow shell, and that I am deeper and have more soul than they ever thought I did.

So yeah. I'm just in the song writing process and selling my photographs in an art exhibition. That sounds really cool, but the truth is it's not. But hey, it's a start! And I can't finish before I start. I'm only young and I have time to improve, and gain confidence in the world and in myself.

On a downer, my girlfriend, the one person I have to talk to or be with in the world, is going away to American for 9 days. No talking, no texting no nothing for 9 days. I'm also lending her my camera so I shan't be taking any photographs. Rough patch ahead? We'll see.

Thank you for reading. :)
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Well-known member
Feeling really low tonight.

The other day my girlfriend went to Florida for a holiday. As happy for her as I am, I am now completley alone. I'm sat here thinking about the days at school when I used to be so popular and loved by everyone. Now look at me, sat here, texting a phone that is switched off in a locked car at an airport because that is the most company I can get.

People try and talk to me and ask me to go out with them, and I just turn them down. I do everything I can to get out of it and I don't even know why. All I want is to be with my girlfriend, have good friends, be sucsessful and be happy. Everyone in existance should have that. I know how it feels to be happy, I know how it feels to have good friends, though I have pushed them all away now. I also know how it feels to succeed. I just want them to last forever.

I want to wake up in a morning, and instead of logging on here, logging onto my Facebook and be greeted by friends asking me to go to places with them and do things with them.

I want to not push everything in life I care about away. I want to understand who I am, why I am here and what I am going to acheive with my life. I want to wake up in a morning and know that I can make the day whatever I want it to be.

Life interests me, and one day, I will be able to explore it.

Thank you.


Well-known member
I had my first counselling session today, and I feel really good.

I was really open with everything, and I told him almost everything. He was really friendly and made me laugh which eased it along.
It was the first time I felt comfortable that I was red in the face, sweaty and shaky. I didn't have to worry about not knowing where to put my eyes, cause he understood, cause I was talking about it.

The only thing is, i've done so much research into my 'thing' and into cases similar and I know exactly how to treat myself, and I know what he's going to say before he says it. Nevertheless, I would not be able to 'fix' myself alone. I would not have the motivation or determination that I would have with the help of a professional.

So I am going once a week for the next eight weeks. He claims we're going to take 'baby steps', and personally i'm not sure quite how far we can get going so slow through such a rapid sucsession of sessions, but he must have a plan and if he can just set me off then I can hope to do the rest myself.

The future looks good again. I obviously feel no different socially just yet, all I did was explain everything, but I just feel really happy and positive. I've heard it is normal to feel like this after a session though it acts as a 'quick fix' and soon the real reality of it all comes crashing down. Who knows. :)

After the sessions are over, conviniently, I will be going back to school/collage to start my A levels. All my hopes now to enjoy my A levels and and be more sucsessful rest in my hands over the next few weeks.

I think i'm ready. :)