Support for partners?


New member
I just stumbled upon this site tonight in hopes of finding some help. My boyfriend of 3 years has social anxiety disorder and periodic depression. I have seen first hand how it affects his life and our relationship. Reading some of the other posts on this forum, I see that he is certainly not alone. I was hoping to find some other people out there in my situation so I know that I am not alone as well. It is so hard when you see your partner suffering and all you want to do is help them but there is nothing you can do.
I do my best to be supportive and encourage him to get help but every once in a while I can't help but be frustrated. It is difficult caring for someone who is literally unable to feel as intensely about you as you do about them because they can't value themselves. My boyfriend has told me numerous times that it is difficult for him to feel "love" towards me because he doesn't love himself.
I guess I'm just wanting to know that there are other people out there who understand the challenges of caring for people who suffer from these disorders. Also I want to know if any one has any suggestions for how I can do my part to help him.
Thanks for any and all comments!
Well firstly your boyfriend is lucky to have you, trying to understand and support him.
I dont have Social Anxiety Disorder i have agraphobia, but it's uncontrolable and its seriously hard to love yourself..
I dont really no what to say other then just stay supportive!