Struggling to cope with social phobia as a new mum?


Active member
Hi guys,

My name is Claudette. I'm 25 and have a beautiful baby boy. 2010 is just around the corner and I have decided that this year will be a fresh start. He's old enough to enjoy places and rememeber them. I have been going out with my mum etc to playgroup and such but no where near enough. I want to go out daily, even for a newspaper so he gets some fresh air. Social phobia has turned into a little aggorophobia, but i'm fne with mum or my husband.

I have set up a facebook page called Social phobia - New mums dealing with baby and fears

here's the link:

It may encourage you to share your anxiety, goals and achievements. Being in the UK, maybe us mums can meet at playgroup etc and start letting our babies enjoy life from now on. Hope to see you there.

Claudette Burden Glitherow xxx