social anxiety and marriage


How can someone with social anxiety get married me and my boyfriend was just thinking about our future the fact that I don't like public affection its not that he's unattractive. Because he's very handsome I just think people are always watching me and its starting to get on his nerves I don't want him to try to find somebody new because im not giving him public affection when I go somewhere most of the time I would have him going with me and his question is why can't I go anywhere by myself i just say I don't like people then I try to get off the subject because he would start asking alot of questions about it. But I think that our problems kind of relate he is often a distant person which I am also too and he doesn't like to be around lots of ppl but he likes public affection I think that's why we get alone well. Except of his dislikes of me not being affectionate in public
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Cultivate a talent. Be someone. I used to be unconfident in public but after i found my niche in singing and dancing, i thought of myself as a celebrity of sorts. I mattered. I think the big problem comes from living in a big city. If you lived in a small town where you knew everyone, you would not have these fears. It is anthropological and a byproduct of living in the city of strangers.


Yes because I feel much better being in a small crowd than a bigger one especially if im at a job or at school.