secure wipes strength?


Well-known member
I'm looking at and they offer secure wipes in different strengths ranging from 1% to 3% in .5% increments. which one do you guys recommend me getting? stronger the better?


Well-known member

Don't know which version of HH you have, but I'd say try a less high strength at first--I think they have trial sizes, so maybe get two.

I had bad cranial-facial sweating, and the wipes didn't solve my problem, mostly because you can't really wipe your scalp effectively. But I had (I think) the highest version--2%--and it did help a lot with the facial sweating.

In the end, I went on to the capsules of Avert--they've worked really well for me. But if the wipes worked for my problem, I'd for sure use them.


Active member
Margiehope -
I too suffer from cranial/facial sweating and am considering using the wipes - the problem is at its worst on my top lip but I'm not sure that the wipes are safe to use around the mouth - do you (or anyone else for that matter) use them around you mouth at all? I'm worried that these topical applications can damage the lining of the mouth.


Well-known member

As I said, I stopped using the wipes--I think they should be OK as long as you avoid your lips--BUT--why not e-mail and ask them. They are real experts, and very good at replying to questions and providing information.


Well-known member
Also--does anyone know if the glycopyrrolate cream is available in North America? I read the UK Board and they discuss it. Might be easier to control close to the mouth.


I used 3% wipes for my forehead and scalp. no irritation, but not very effective. started using the mild drysol formulation yesterday, and results are wonderful.