Search results

  1. mikepgirl

    Idromed 4

    Does anyone know where I can get this idromed 4 cheaper than $900? I live in the US, I know they only sell them in Europe. I don't have this much money to spend right now, so if anyone knows of a site that sells this machine cheaper that would be a great help. :D
  2. mikepgirl

    Information on Hyperhidrosis surgery...

    Does any one know of any insurance companies that pay for the hyperhidrosis surgery?
  3. mikepgirl

    Will Insurance Pay For ETS?

    I am wondering if insurance will pay for ETS? Also, what can I do to help pay for ETS if my insurance company won't pay it? Is there any financial options I can consider?
  4. mikepgirl

    Does Drionic Work?

    I have been a HH sufferer for my whole life...I have had it since I was 3 and I am now 21. It has ruined my life. I get so nervous at party's or even at jobs and job interviews. I am not sure what to do with my life now because I have such severe nervous habits that I am afraid to even talk to...