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  1. Victoria

    Lost another friend..

    I feel so sad tonight. Today someone who I thought I was becoming friends with was so cold to me. Pretty much hints that hes done with me and tells me I prob wont ever hear from him again. The whole conversation lasted about three minutes. He wouldn't explain why. We got along really well, and...
  2. Victoria

    Flight of the Conchords!

    If you havn't heard of these guys, you should check them out on youtube. It's made my boring alone time a hell of a lot more entertaining =)
  3. Victoria

    Where do I start..

    I'm sure it would'nt be wrong of me to assume that most of you share a lot of the same feelings I do most days. I just feel the need to share recently.. Stability makes me uncomfortable. I feel like I can't survive without change. I don't feel depressed. Mostly I just feel uncomfortable. I...