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  1. 86theHH

    A long battle with Hyperhidrosis

    I have generalized mild hyperhidrosis on my body and severe plantar hyperhidrosis. It has caused a lot of misery for me. The huge amount of stress and anxiety was debilitating. I would guess that everyone reading this can relate to the emotions that go along with not only dealing with...
  2. 86theHH

    Getting rid of athlete's foot

    Surprisingly there isn't anything in this forum about athlete's foot or dealing with any dermal fungus which is a typical secondary condition from hyperhidrosis. I'll be the first to address the issue here and throw out some advice for the people looking for it. First, dealing with HH is...
  3. 86theHH

    Plantar and Genital Hyperhidrosis

    Hyperhidrosis for feet, back of thighs and the butt! For those suffering from these two types of HH, I can recommend using iontophoresis to reduce the sweating. I've spent a lot of time and thrown a lot of money away on things that didn't work or weren't as effective. Of course you may not...