Search results

  1. N

    no chance

    I have had one gf, her choice. I have tried online dating, because I'm in a small village but it isnt working so basically I think its time to accept that am obviously unattractive both in looks and in personality. I hate being single so much. I just want to find that someone to possibly spend...
  2. N

    free online dating?

    Does anyone know of any free uk online dating sites. Because of my sa I carnt talk to girls, not that I can find any with decent personalities anyway.
  3. N

    Girls, do you go for personality or looks?

    Just curious as to weather the majority of girls go for personality or looks.
  4. N

    where and how to meet girls???

    Right so im 17 and i suffer from quite server social anxiety and I have no social life, the only way I can even approach a girl is when I'm so drunk I don't remember anything. I have tried therapy to help with my depression aswell. I'm not overweight and I wouldn't call myself un attractive but...
  5. N

    time to give up

    Right so I'm 17 and I really want to kill myself, I have tried on many occasions but just not had the guts to do it. All I think about all day is when I can cut myself again for that short time of feeling "on top of the world" . I have begun to take pain killers (about 4 or 5 at a time) and it...
  6. N

    **** life

    wow thought life was starting to get better, got a job, a girlfriend and started to make friends. in the last 48 hours i have started to hate work, loose friends and my girlfriends ignoring me. i am constantly having suicidal thoughts and actually taken a knife to my wrists trying to come up...
  7. N

    no one noticed i was gone

    before i finished school i signed up for 6th form and my 'friends' all knew that. anyway i talked to a few of them over the summer but when it came to going back to school i decided to get a job, probably because i knew i would be in alot of social situations in 6th form. anyway since they went...
  8. N

    should i get help?

    i am pretty sure i have a social anxiety disorder as most symptoms apply to me. i also try to avoid all social events and simple things like going to the shops. it is getting to the point where i am getting really depressed, sometimes think about self harm and drinking alcohol to try take my...
  9. N

    Do i have a social anxiety disorder?

    hey was just wondering if i should see someone about my shyness. Its not as if i isolate myself in my house i just hate being around people who arn't friends (i only have a few). When in a public place i feel as though everyone is looking at me and mocking me and has got to the point where i...