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  1. B

    I can't do this anymore..

    I've been so lonely for so long.. I finally couldn't take it anymore, so I weighed my options, get closer with my family, or find a girlfriend.. The easiest choice was find a girlfriend, as my family is impossible. So I picked three girls, that were single, that I knew well enough I could talk...
  2. B

    Are my standards to high?

    As I've said before, I deal with a lot of loneliness thanks to my anxiety, and I was told recently my standards are probably to high. I was trying really hard recently to start talking to new people, I talked to 3 girls I was interested in (on Facebook, but better than not at all), they all...
  3. B

    Feeling so empty right now..

    It's driving me crazy.. How frequent this is becoming.. All I can feel is this endless void in my gut, tearing me apart.. I managed to talk to a girl, on Facebook mind you.. But I used similar interest to start a conversation while avoiding being awkward.. I asked for an outside opinion in how...
  4. B

    How exactly do I go about approaching a girl?

    If you've read my other posts than you're aware I'm having difficulties with others as well as myself. The biggest of my problems is the loneliness, it's the one thing that effects me on a regular basis. With that in mind, obviously, I want a girlfriend. The problem. I don't know any girls that...
  5. B

    I really need help with the loneliness.

    As said in a previous topic I have a bad case of social anxiety so I tend to have difficulties meeting or getting to know people. I've been single a long time and I find the loneliness eating away at me every chance it gets. I don't know what to do, I can't get a girlfriend, I'm not even sure i...
  6. B

    I'm a new user, and I kind of need people to talk to..

    So I'm a 17 year old guy and I've been dealing with what I believe to be social anxiety for a long time now. Ever since I was a kid I've been shy, my parents broke up when I was a baby and since than my family has become very shattered. Thats a completely different topic, but to give you an...