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  1. N

    My Other Half

    I wrote this one night after a rough day. I locked myself in my room; it was eerily quiet, but everything inside me was screaming and trying to break away from my struggling. When someone hurts me, I suck it up and walk away for fear of standing up for myself, but I'm angry beyond measure...
  2. N

    Being Bullied at Work

    I've been working this job for two months. My sixty-something year old boss, who should have himself under control at his ripe age, has terrible anger issues. He constantly talks down to me. About a week ago, he kicked a garbage can at me then made me clean it up. I didn't have it in me to stand...
  3. N


    My name is Nathan. I've struggled with social anxiety for as far back as I can remember. I've come a long way on my journey, but I still have some issues I have to deal with. I'll be twenty-one in two months, and I'm hoping lots of things will change after my 21st. =]