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  1. N

    My parents can't afford braces and my mouth hurts :(

    So about a year ago my canine teeth came in late and grew out over my other teeth so basically it looks like I have vampire teeth, and now the same thing is happening now with the late teeth on the bottom of my mouth. I went to the orthodontist and he told me right away I needed braces. But my...
  2. N

    Book with hat on the cover?

    Kind of a weird question but I remember seeing this book the other day with a hat on the cover blowing in the wind, I was interested in it but I can't remember the name? Does anybody know what book I'm talking about?
  3. N

    Applying for a Job!!???

    So I turned 16 in October and I'm starting to realize more and more that I need a job to start making some money for college and stuff. The only thing though is that I can hardly talk to people I don't know, even people I do kind of know I can hardly talk to. I'm going to need references for my...