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  1. tupac


    so, theres this study that states that smoking weed increases your chances of getting mental illnesses. at first i thought thats bullshit but it got me wondering if weed could really do it. even though i been like this all my life, it has gotten worse these last few years and i've been smoking...
  2. tupac

    i feel so strange right now

    i feel like mentally im tired, and my body feels weak. i have no energy to deal with this. i can understand these things but theres other feelings i dont quiet know how to describe,i havent felt them before. its an empty feeling as if im missing something. im confused and feel like im just...
  3. tupac

    zone out

    does anyone just zone out cause when im out with friends or driving or doing anything for that matter, i tend to just dose off and start thinking about somehting else. this is dangerous i came close to crashing the car like more than a dozen times. i cant control it, i hate it when people will...
  4. tupac

    anyone else bored?

    man im just sitting around bored (this happens alot) and just wish i could add you guys to my msn list because it would be nice to talk to some people with SA for a change. [email protected] thats my msn if anyone wanna to add me go ahead. :D
  5. tupac

    what to do with life?

    im 19 years old but im at the point where i dont know what to do with my life. im not going to school and have no job. i've heard someone say that this is the time where you become the person you will be for the rest of your life. i feel like my life i shit and is headed nowhere. anyone else...
  6. tupac

    what helps you cope with SA?

    i know for me i usally go for the bottle or get high even tho getting high makes SA worse i just like to get high and listen to some music. music sounds even better when your high. btw what kind of music do u find you like to listen to when your fed up with this bullshit. i find 2pac is wiked...
  7. tupac

    about to go out to a club, im so scaredddd

    im so scared beacuse of SA and i didnt wanna tel my friend no cause he'd be like why dont u wanna go and i cant tell him i have SA. so now im in this mess. been to clubs b4 and hate it. i dont dance and definetly have never tried picking up girls which is what my friend entends on doing to...
  8. tupac

    what do people think of you?

    what do they think of you before and after they know about you having SA. i find myself thinking people will just think im messed up if i tell em bout me having SA.
  9. tupac

    this sucks! i never had a girl in my whole life!

    this has been pissing me off for a long time now. im 19 years old and never had a girlfriend because of SA. i have HH on top of that which makes it even worse. it seems like im the only one that doesnt know what its like to even go on a damn date. shit i dont even have any friends that are...