Search results

  1. B

    Sleep deprivation for disorder management

    Heya, guys. (Sorry if this is not the right forum.) Something I've noticed lately is that when trying to tackle my mental problems (intrusive fantasies, I have a tldr prolly improperly placed in the OCD forum), which is what I've only been doing for 2 weeks, I am much more successful when...
  2. B

    Maybe OCD, dunno (Warning: looooong post)

    Okie, guys. Long post, very long, soz, but I want to be as descriptive as I can. I just piced this site at random from a couple of Google searches. If I don't get any replies here, I'll just try elsewhere, so I won't be too sad if the only reply I get says tl;dr;gtfo. Gots no money for...