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  1. C

    About the comfort zone

    What do u guys do to get out of this famous comfort zone? Of course its definition s different for everyone.It s a little bit gamble i think, to try to get out of it, so i need to hear advices experiences about getting out of this famous comfort zone...
  2. C

    How do u know when u re cured?

    I ve been having treatment for over 1 year and i think i m getting better.But as most of u know if u forgot how what being normal is u may not decide whether u re cured.I know there s not a certain line being sociophobic or normal, and i know u re sick as long as u suffer from this, but i just...
  3. C

    Anyone using propranolol?

    Hi I m new on this site, i ve been using propranolol for over a year and i m asking for other user s experiences with it.