Search results

  1. Zeyla

    Google Poetry

    Some of the stuff that comes up as most searched when you start writing a search term in google. The words in bold are the search terms. I want to go home I want to believe in God but I can’t I want to feel like someone’s watching I want to die How to have sex What now? Why is the sky blue...
  2. Zeyla


    Is anyone else really ticklish? If so, do you know why?
  3. Zeyla


    Does anyone else get disterbing nightmares everynight? Like, so many it's just normal for you now? If you do, let's share the ones that are so twisted we can't tell anyone else about! In first the anxiety nightmare I remember (although not well, it was about 5 years ago), me, my mum, and my...
  4. Zeyla

    First Date

    So, I meet a guy last week, and we got on well. We went to the city gardens on Sunday afternoon, and it went quite well. Now we're going out tonight. We're going to a restaurant, and I've only been to a restaurant twice in my life. (Due to a skrewed-up up-bringing.) And I've never been to one on...