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  1. Rooftops

    F**k buddy dilemna

    I feel really embarrassed that I'm posting this but I have nobody else to talk to about it. I'm in a bad spot emotionally as it is so this situation doesn't really help. I've known my gay friend A for a couple of years through somebody else, but it's only recently that I've started seeing him...
  2. Rooftops

    My lecturer fancies me

    Well, I'm pretty sure my fifty-year-old lecturer fancies me (I'll call him Jimmy). Jimmy tries sitting/standing next to me, talking to and staring at me whenever possible. He looks like he's about to touch my arm sometimes, then jerks away when I notice. In the past my lecturer has...
  3. Rooftops

    Feel I'm not good enough/stupid

    I had a bad time at school right from the start (don't we all) but since college I've slowly but surely managed to overcome a lot of my anxiety. I am at my first year of uni now and am doing okay. I still agonise over embarrassing throw away comments I've made, have the occasional panic attack...