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  1. S

    I feel like I've failed as a human being

    I dont really post here too much but feel like I have to vent. I turn 28 next week and have had the past 10 years to get my life in order but due to my battles with SA I'm no better off than I was when I was 18. As much as I've tried to socialize with people my own age over the years at the end...
  2. S

    why are lifes pleasures so difficult to attain for a social phobic?

    All I ask out of life are 3 things: 1.A decent independent living 2.a well paying job 3.relationships/friendships its frustrating that with my battles with SA i can only get so much out of life. I dont exactly hate my life i just hate the situations i have been dealt with. The older I get the...
  3. S

    I hate Valentines Day

    I work in a retail store and to see all the Valentines Day junk out really gets to me. Its like the Hallmark corporation is mocking me for being single. Im sorry just had to vent.
  4. S

    no motivation

    Anyone else besides me feel like they have absolutely no motivation in life until they find that "special someone"? and I feel like I have no need to better myself such as a better job among other things in life until I have that person there to motivate me and sadly at 26 years old I'm starting...