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  1. Global

    Will I Ever Be Free?

    Hi People Where do I start..... Well am a 21 year old male with very low self esteem and Its killing me :( I've been working for about 10months now (First Job) and am finding It very hard to fit in because am not use to social situations. If all eyes are on me, I will instantly feel light...
  2. Global


    Hi People! So frustrated with my blushing and turning into a beetroot :oops: I sometimes don't even feel that anxious or self conscious but for some reason i will feel warm and start blushing. Am quite good at hiding my shyness at work but once am talking and i know people are looking at...
  3. Global

    Is anyone self-conscious of there own voice?

    Hi There First of all I would like to say what a great forum this is, Alot of the things ive been reading here have made totaly sense and summed up alot of my problems in terms of shyness and its good to know its just not me :) Anyway's as the title says " Is anyone self-conscious of there own...