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  1. cheddarr

    can I have some advice pls?

    ok so Ive got this cousin who i know has always hated me, she used to physically bully me and my brother and call me all the names under the sun and everyone would seem to take her side over mine cause she's like a spoilt brat. Anyways, sometime last year she ran away from home to live with some...
  2. cheddarr

    got a dilemma....

    so its my college end of yr prom tonight. Ive got the clothes and everything to get ready but I really dnt know if i should go. through my 2 years there i talked to no one properly, loads of people took the mick out of me and my one friend there isnt goin anyway. but id feel bad if i didnt go. i...
  3. cheddarr


    I really want to kill myself, i know its a terrible thinto say but it's true, i cant go on like this anymore. i cant talk to people, everyone thinks im a sick of it all :(