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  1. Soulless

    Feeling lost

    Hi, i really need to share this....few years back when i was in school,i used to get constantly insulted..i mean i always felt humiliated over small if a teacher asked me a question n if i wasn't able to answer it then i used to feel like's just one example...everyday...
  2. Soulless

    Dunno how to help myself

    Hi I am really feeling very weird by sharing this for the first time that i really don't even hav an iota of confidence in myself...Whenever i go outside i feel so much uncomfortable that i always look downwards while walking...i never ever make eye contacts wid any person on road..either i look...
  3. Soulless

    lifeless life

    Hello... I really don't know how to introduce myself and truly i m not sure why i am really here .......sharing my problems with the outside world when i m afraid of that world in the first place...but still i am here because i m getting hopeless wid myself...i don't know where to start...