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  1. J

    i cant go a day without being a disappointment

    everyday i disappoint someone. somehow. and not like petty things like being late to work or something. but it's mainly my girlfriend and parents. does anyone else feel like they do the same thing? could it be all in my head or something?
  2. J

    Something I've noticed a lot lately

    It's really easy to be a productive person when you don't care about how your actions affect others. People can be such robots.
  3. J

    One person

    Does anyone else absorb themselves in the actions and words and thoughts of one other person to the point where even their slightest motion of discontent towards you will drive you mad and make you depressed to the point where you can't do anything because you feel too inadequate to live? It's...
  4. J

    Everybody thinks I'm really self-centered

    I really don't know why. I think because of my anger. I try to help people. I often feel like humanity shuts me out or doesn't let me help. I'm desperate for someone to reach out to me. No one. Not even the people that claim they are close to me. No one lets me in. No one lets me help. No one...
  5. J

    My reason for posting here

    I don't really feel like I have a clinical phobia of the social world, but instead, I feel that the social world does reject me. I feel rejection from everyone, and if I make confrontation, I am rejected more. It's just a huge trap: if I decide to speak my mind, I get shut down. I can't tell...
  6. J

    Do you ever feel like you're being lied to?

    I often feel like people are faking interest or faking their friendship or relationship with me because it makes them feel better about themselves. I wouldn't doubt it, I'm quite a strange person, and seeing by the way people kinda nod when I say something they don't seem interested in... I just...
  7. J

    I Apologize

    I'm sorry for previous threads I posted, in which I either ranted a whole lot about nothing, didn't elaborate on anything, or went off on a responding post for no good reason. I feel terrible about it. I've been going through a lot in the past few days. I did not commit suicide like I stated I...
  8. J

    I don't know what to do

    Everybody in my life is either an enemy, or unsympathetic to me. Even my girlfriend. I feel that most of the time she doesn't even know a single thing about me or care. My life is meaningless. I would elaborate more but she might look at this screen any second and the fact that I think this...
  9. J

    Not sure where to start

    I'm eighteen years old. I am a misanthropist, for the most part. Today, my fiance, the only person I care about in the entire world, informed me that she wants to be with somebody else and that I am unattractive. I have never been so unhappy in my life. I feel like now, more than ever, everybody...