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  1. A

    Question about Dr. Thomas A. Richards' Overcoming Social Anxiety CBT tapes

    I downloaded them and there is 20 tapes in total split up into side a and side b (40 mp3 files). He says you should take 1 tape per week. He also says you should listen to the tape 30 minutes a day. 1 WHOLE tape (side a+b) lasts about 50 minutes. Does he mean i should listen to side A, say on...
  2. A

    Do i have social phobia or selective mutism/both?

    Hi, I'm a 16 year old boy from Norway. I'm pretty anxious around people i dont know very well, i find it very hard to paticipate in groups of people (not so much in class discussing a subject where everyone have to say something, or presentations. In fact i am kind of less anxious around...