People, Annoyances

I have no clue if this is the right sub forum.

So this happened tonight, story first:

So I am at college, and it is quite empty, it is summer and this year they cut back on classes so there are few people here. That being said, there is almost nothing to do here. I know one person and he isn't always fun to hang with. I have yet to meet anyone else, and even if I everyone seems to feel bordem with drinking. I don't really drink by the way. But that person/friend and I have taken to playing the wii, Mario Bros in the lounge with the bigger TV on campus. This is fine at times but we have beaten it all and now just jump around in levels, he isn't a big gamer so it is hard to get him to play anything else. As for the town there is nothing, some bars, but then it comes to the drinking again and money issues.

Ok so the background above, the annoyances are these:
1. There is no one around even if I wanted to hang out
2. There is nothing on campus or downtown, we end up at Walmart a lot
3. My friend can be annoying at times, he smokes to much weed, he didn't when we first met last year, but has started a while back, this makes him impatient and not wanting to do much.
4. The tv in the lounge is the only real place we can play the wii, that is great but there is this kid named Ben, a pothead too, that comes in and messes everything up, one time we were nice and let him play the wii with us, and he starts killing us and thinking it is fun, he was high, tonight we were going to watch a movie, it was started and ready, I was waiting for my friend assuming he was getting something from his room, though he was smoking weed, and this Ben kid comes in smelling like weed, sits there for a moment, I tell him he can watch the movie with us, he is like ok, then like 4 minutes later he takes out a xbox out of no where rips my wii cables out, not asking, and the sensor bar just falls and he looks at it, connects his xbox in and starts playing. I did ask him wth he was doing, he is like I am impatient. Finally my friend is back but when we say we should watch the movie now, ben just looks at us and starts playing more games. We left, by then I was getting tired of my friend again, he is no fun high.

Basically I had to vent that sorry, it was longer then I thought. I am just so annoyed with people. I think I find people to talk to, then they just go smoke weed, drink etc, and do stupid crap. Drinking is fine in moderation, but yea. I end up being the DD to much, and I hate the babysitting. Why can't I find someone to hang with that just will hang, so we might be bored, but we could play games, watch movies, or talk or something. I know I am dull at times but it is because I am afraid to take risks, etc.