Open Hearted


Well-known member
So, as a person I am very aware of how the world is and have rather good morals, I am open to what people have to say and will be genuinely interested. I am humble and willing to learn. I have a loving soul. Personal pain of course can change this, but I strive to be this way regardless of the conditions I have.

Now I question this, is it prehaps due to my exclusion from the puplic? From people and their 'ideals'? Are others with social phobia the same? I cannot help but notice that many many people in todays world are not...
lables sterotypes bandwagons false religions (I study the bible) increasingly horrible acts apon another (rape, depravity, torture you name it) even denial of these problems is commonplace in society. Small things that show someone as blind, obessession with clothes and visual apperence brought on by peer pressure, peer pressure forcing people to be something they can understand easily and manipulate. Manipulation, the so called leaders of the world, they get people 'subtly I may add' to partake in wars for the sake of their greed using twists upon well intentioned faith and the horrible prospect of 'country pride'. Desensitizing campaigns through adverts and war stories, hardening the heart and blinding the viewer, hell even I am a victim of the 'love violence scheme' due to video games and war novels... I dont like violence sure but I enjoy the rush and so called 'passion of the fight', but that is not limited to physical war ^^.

Money wheels, population control, bubble jungles Its all in favour of those in 'power' they want money and more power and little else, people need money to survive, to join into the money wheel of the world, to be part of the machine. You could call me crazy, hell I call myself anything, but lets be honest why the unnessary suffering? Why? I go outside and get lashed by those who dont know better, attacked for no reason, and generally told what to do because a living human cannot fit into this society, with most people, without actually partaking of the same methods, thus hardening the heart and changing views. It is possible of course but the struggle, the sheer fact that it is there is wrong, and should not be so.

I remember when SP first grasped me about a week into secondary school, after much stress I came to this universal hate upon todays society and blaming it for my 'self hate'. Why? Because if people didnt judge we would not have the fear of judgement correct?
The fear of fellow man. Sure they are kids but even so, it should not be so. It is not 'how' the world should be and based on how I see the world decline after the past few years I can see it ending one way or another during my lifetime. Let it be noted I hate the society, methods and ideals not the people.

*ahem* Well rant aside the question remains, do you suffer from SP? If so are you open minded and loving regardless of the personal agony?

Note. I base my views through my studys and my time in college, school and work experience. I stand by my relegious basis, test it and decide yourself if its the correct one.