Okanagan SA Group Started


New member
Hi I'm new. I was happy to have found this site (thank goodness for Google!), and taken aback to find an Okanagan posting on the forum. I'm in the South Okanagan, and we don't have this sort of resource here that I know of (Kelowna is a bit too far for me).

I've wrestled with social anxiety for years, and it is certainly limiting and damaging to all kinds of opportunities. I'd love for a resource to pop up where I live, I feel like anyone in my situation: alone and like I'm the 'only one' when this can't be the case. I'll keep my eye out for something, for now, I hope I find a bit of relief from this forum and won't feel so darn alone!


Well-known member
I rarely stop by here anymore so I missed this post. I'm glad you found somewhere you can relate with others. Too bad you aren't close enough to join our group :wink: