Offended when people call you shy?


New member
It probably depends on the tone of voice someone uses. If they tell you ur shy in a nonchalant way, it comes of as less offensive and more like a friendly conversation. But if they tell you in a confrontational or condescending tone, than you have every right to take offense. There's nothing wrong with being shy. And if someone points it out in a negative way you should tell them to mind their own business.


Well-known member
no i am not shy

i just dont want to contribute to a conversation because its goddam boring and pointless


Well-known member
kuhtreen said:
Even though it is a fact and not an insult, I can't help but feel extremely offended when someone says that I am shy. Probably because I'm kind of ashamed of it and I don't want people to know about it.
It has become like a gigantic insult...even though it is only the truth and I know it. It's okay for me to call myself shy, but when someone else says it, it just drives me insane!!

It is insulting.

You wouldn't go up to someone in a wheelcahir and say: "You're so disabled"

Or up to an obese person and say: "You're so fat".

It's just another form of bullying. Shyness is a weekness and people are usually pointing it out to score points or put you down. It's happened to me loads of times.


Well-known member
lol very offended and it makes me feel ... like almost smaller and i get embarssed when people say it cus i never no what to say back

I spose id rather be shy than loud and mouthy
When someone calls me shy, I just respond, "I know."
I don't like it when someone calls me shy, but I cannot really blame the other person for calling me out on it, especially when that's the only thing they can see that stands out in me. Usually after it happens and I go home and think about it, I tear up.
It sucks, but I just think to myself, "One day I will prove all of them wrong", and I try to use that as motivation to get better. I'm still working on it but I know there's still a long way to go.