Need a diagnosis please, SA or shyness?


New member
Hi, I’d like some input on whether I'm just shy or if I have social anxiety. I've edited my original post, a tad too long I think, I've decided just to highlight the key points:

-Conservative upbringing, parents aren't outgoing, dad is really stolid, rubbed on me as a kid.
-Stutter/mumbling problem
-Don't like crowded places
-Don't like parties/drinking
-Self-conscious at times, especially out in the open or talking to people in general
-But no panic attacks, tend to worry more about completing my sentence intact than physically panicking, occasionally get butterflies or a tingly feeling
-Feel awkward during silences
-Often dwell on future meetings i.e. thinking of topics to talk about, and dwelling on past i.e. what I shoulda done different.
-Pretty much a hermit, online 24/7, even feel self-conscious on chat boards and in mmorpg's despite the anonymity.

That’s all I can think of that relates to the issue. So am I just socially incompetent (oh yeah I also have low self-esteem, although I’m alright about it) or do I have social anxiety?

Also one more thing, what is the difference between social anxiety and social phobia? Or are they the same thing?



New member
I only skim read your post, but if it helps, your condition sounds a bit more serious than just regular shyness. You should consider doing some more research or seeing a professional.


Well-known member
Maybe it IS just that you're socially incompetent with low self-esteem. Looking back on it, that described me. If you're socially incompetent you figure you're just gonna screw up talking to people. If you're gonna screw up you're gonna be embarassed, maybe even humiliated. Humiliation's never good, especially in front of a lot of other people. If enough people see what a social retard you are (not YOU you, just that hypothetical 'you' guy I've been referring to), then you're gonna get a reputation as a social retard and all the shit treatment that goes along with it. That means more humiliation and a cycle that's just gonna go on and on.

Since humiliation sucks ass and IS a very real threat, there's going to be a lot of anticipatory anxiety before a social encounter because you already believe ( and possibly rightly so) that you're just gonna screw it up. Hell, even if it's only one person you're going to blow it in front of, it's still just proof that you're out of your element.

Isn't that what social anxiety is? Anyway it's late and what was originally only a two sentence response turned into this wierd little whatever-the-hell-it-is. I'm a social guy now and none of that other shit that I mentioned happens to me anymore. I had all the same symptoms as you (except the stutter) and was diagnosed with SA.


Well-known member
It sounds more like shyness becoming SA instead of just shyness or SA. I suggest you go see a professional expert on this subject before labeling yourself as shy or having SA.


Well-known member
Yea it sound like there something going on here.The biggest question you need to ask your self is,is this negatively affecting my life in a severe way.That's the different between shyness and social phobia/social anxiety.From what you have said in your post it sound like you have sa.As other people have suggest you should go seek professional help and see what they have to say about it because we can only guess on what the problem is from what you have said in your post.

I'm not really sure what the different between social phobia and social anxiety but the way I understand is social phobia is a more server form of social anxiety.