Mini-messenger ?


Well-known member
Do you all use the mini messenger? I want to use it, but I don't know if the people that I have messeged are just not answering me or if it does not work for them, or me, or what? I did receive a messege from someone once, so I think I can receive them okay from everyone. Just wondering.


Well-known member
it works but its really slow. i have used it many times and sometimes people dont answer back because they dont wanna talk but i dont mind that. its understandable that some people are not comfortable using it or dont know how to use it. i have had some good converstaions using it. it passes time when your browsing through the forum.


Well-known member
You just click on someones name Mags. In the mini messenger box which has the names of the members on line.

Going back to moog's question. It does seem to be very problematic for some people. Personally I have never instigated any kind of conversation, SP and all that. Since you have received a message I imagine it works for you but alot of people don't turn their popup blocker off (took me 6 months to catch on) so they probably don't receive your message.

That or they turn into a panicking mess like I do. Still keep trying though. I'm sure some will get through eventually.

There should be some info about turning your popup blocker off on the site I reckon but hey.


Well-known member
I received a msg today but only because I'm using a public pc. So maybe I've had msg's in the past and not received them. Doh. :(