Recent content by Spikah

  1. Spikah


    I already did an introduction in the forums I fit in, but since I skipped the step of coming here first, I'll right the wrong. I have anxiety issues ranging from social, panic and OCD. This is the first time I have come to a forum, I'm kind of nervous about it. In short I have many...
  2. Spikah

    Im new.

    I have had CSP all of my life (Compulsive Skin-Picking) To tell the truth, I just found out what it was called today. In short, I pick scabs, and I can't stop. For years I just thought I was a freak and didn't look into it. Lately I found another person who suffered the same thing (with the...
  3. Spikah

    New and scared

    Greetings. I have suffered from Anxiety for many years now.. but this is the first time that I have joined a forum or self-help site for it. Lately I have just been scared. Of everything. Of what friends and family members are thinking about me, if they laugh at me behind my back. I'm...