Recent content by silktheshocker

  1. S

    Anyone with hypertension/high blood pressure?

    I went to a doctor a couple of months ago and told her I thought I had hyperthyroidism because of my sweat, high blood pressure and a couple of other symptoms. She kinda brushed that idea aside and told me that maybe I was just a sweaty guy, and we could find out if I took a simple blood test...
  2. S

    Avert vs Robinul (cost/effectiveness)?

    I'm sorry if this has been asked, I did a search and read a bunch of threads but they didn't really answer my questions, or I might have missed it. I just tried Avert off of and I've had great results right off the bat so far, it's like i have a whole new lease on life. So I'm gonna...
  3. S

    avert and morning exercise

    hey just got my avert today, and i'm just kinda waiting for the effect to kick in... anyway my questions is i heard it is better to take avert on an empty stomach and hold off on eating for about 2 hours afterwards i was thinking... is it ok to take the pill and then go exercise while waiting...