Recent content by schmoopy

  1. schmoopy

    What Causes Anxiety and What You Can Do About It

    Most people simply dismiss anxiety as nothing more than an emotional disorder and let it go at that. They accept it as a part of life and resign to the fact that it will never go away. Don’t fall into this way of thinking. The truth is, there’s way more to consider. This article will show...
  2. schmoopy

    How to Cure Anxiety One Day at a Time

    If you’re suffering from anxiety, it’s more than likely there are times you feel overwhelmed with the task of overcoming it completely. It’s a normal feeling to have. After all, anxiety is a recurring problem. It pops up every now and again when you let your guard down and allow negative...
  3. schmoopy

    How to Overcome Anxiety While Driving

    If you’re feeling anxious at just the thought of driving, chances are getting on the freeway is enough to tip you into a full blown panic attack. You’re not alone and there IS help, so listen up. Anxiety while driving is way more common than you might realize. If you’re suffering with this...
  4. schmoopy

    5 Natural Herbs for Anxiety

    If you’ve been trying to stop your overwhelming anxiety for any length of time, you’re probably already familiar with some of the more common strategies. Breathing techniques, mental exercises and finding physical outlets for stress are just a few. Granted, these tactics work pretty well, if...
  5. schmoopy

    Treatments for OCD

    OCD ran my life. Really, it controlled every aspect of the day. I would constantly check the door knob when leaving my house just to make sure the door was locked. Of course that was after already checking it 5 or 6 times. It's not the easiest disorder to describe to someone. OCD affects...
  6. schmoopy

    Is it a Panic Attack or Heart Attack? Know the Difference!

    It’s a pretty common scenario for most first time panic attack sufferers to immediately think they’re having a heart attack. After all, one of the most prominent symptoms of a panic attack is a POUNDING heartbeat that seems to flutter out of control. It’s pretty terrifying. Plus, if you’re...
  7. schmoopy

    How to Stop a Panic Attack in 5 Minutes

    Most often a Panic Attack will hit you at the most inconvenient moment possible. It's just the nature of the beast. Maybe the Panic Attack will creep up on you slowly through a stressful day or maybe it will come out of nowhere and hit you like a ton of bricks. No matter what the scenario...