Ya, having a boyfriend who knows about the HH is so much easier than trying to hide it.
And yes, I was able to finally buy and wear new clothes and colors, although I still find myself going towards black and dark colors lol, just a habit.
As for jobs, I have had about 6 since I was 18. Job interviews are nerve racking to begin with, but I always find myself keeping my hands in my lap and I go to the bathroom right before my interview starts so that I can wash my hands and hopefully give me some time to warm my hands up and wipe away the sweat. But honestly I haven’t had anyone act weird or rude after shaking my hand during an interview, thank goodness.
I guess I never really thought of some of the things I do, until now. Since I am on Robinul and on the full dosage I haven’t sweat at all the past 3 days. I still have cold hands but that must just be me. Lol.