Recent content by RoomBound

  1. RoomBound

    good quote for people like us

    In today's newspaper: "One must choose in life between boredom and suffering." Germaine de Stael, French author (1766-1817) So true. Funny how if we take risks, they usually fail. So it's a choice between being aggressive and being put on fire with pain after the near-inevitable disappointment...
  2. RoomBound

    Do you still want to have children?

    I might be in the minority even on this sometimes pessimistic site, but I don't want to have kids anymore. Yes, they're cute and just like to play, which is fun. I've enjoyed my nieces, and they me, but when they hit puberty they became aloof and self-absorbed. This is something you can't say...
  3. RoomBound

    New member, introducing myself & my issues

    Greetings, I wrote what's below to post on a avoidance personality disorder site but, ironically, the web masters seem to be avoiding their own site. It's locked. What's below is within reason for that site, but it's really long for this site. Still, it's a thorough intro so I'll just stick it...