Recent content by PartsUnknown

  1. P

    No friends

    this has been changed
  2. P

    How many are left handed?

    left-handed or right-handed? this has been changed
  3. P

    I just may be insane...

    this has been changed
  4. P

    Just can't win, god dammit

    Just can't win This post has been changed.
  5. P

    Outcast on this board!!!!!!

    I don't get it. I send private messages and yet nobody chooses to even have the courtesy to respond???? You know you're not gonna get any better if you don't make the effort to socialize. And as a sufferer of social phobia my entire life (even when I was a baby apparently I couldn't have ppl...
  6. P

    Sick Game

    Game This post has been changed
  7. P

    The fuel

    "Maybe I'm not entertaining enough?"
  8. P

    pseudo personality

    This post has changed.