Recent content by neckBOI

  1. neckBOI

    Afraid of my own neck...what shall i do???

    Hello All. I have lived a life of fear...and now I finally have the courage to speak out to other humans. I always feel that if anything or anyone comes close to my neck, it or they will choke me to death and i will die. Therefore, I am very afraid of human contact to my neck. What am i going to...
  2. neckBOI

    Afraid of my own neck...what shall i do???

    Hello All. I have lived a life of fear...and now I finally have the courage to speak out to other humans. I always feel that if anything or anyone comes close to my neck, it or they will choke me to death and i will die. Therefore, I am very afraid of human contact to my neck. What am i going to...