Recent content by Mosesman

  1. M

    Getting Rid of Religious OCD

    Hey everyone. I deal with a variety of obsessions which come and go in waves. A lot of them have to do with religion and the most common one involves me departing from my religion - which is a huge part of my identity. I think that is why it is targeted by my OCD. In any event, I have recent...
  2. M

    Back again with sexual obsessions

    Hi there. I posted a few weeks ago regarding my obsessive thoughts and got great advice/support. One of my most sickening obsessions involves me becoming a pedophile. This has in the past been coupled with groinal responses. Recognizing it as an obsession has worked wonders with me, and for the...
  3. M

    Will my obsessive thoughts ever go away?

    Hi everyone. This is my first post so forgive me if I break any protocol on how things usually function here. Mostly, I have just been looking for an outlet to vent my feelings and am hoping I can find a place to do so as well as help people who have similar problems. I have had a lot of trouble...