Recent content by md1217

  1. M

    *** Stop Having Panic Attacks and Anxiety in 5 Minutes! ***

    Do you have 5 minutes to spare? Then, I can show you how you can stop having panic attacks and general anxiety! This will free you from the prison of panic attacks and anxiety. Can you relate to any of these? - do normal social situations make you nervous now when they never had before? do you...
  2. M

    Thailand Rocks Part 2

    More pics from my trip...
  3. M

    Thailand Rocks!

    Here are some pics from my Thailand trip.
  4. M

    *** Where is Everyone From? ***

    Where is Everyone From? aND What is there FUN to do in your city?? (I love to travel) I am from Texas...great weather, and each city has a whole lot of different things to offer. I personally love Austin, TX!