Recent content by jd882

  1. jd882


    Does anyone else keep an online journal or blog? I love to start them but somehow have a hard time keeping up with them even though my mind is bursting at the seams with things to say. What method do you use to discipline yourself to keep up with it? Does continuous writing to "strangers"...
  2. jd882

    Panic Attacks and the dog

    Anyways, I'm on day two of this horrible panic attack and I was wondering how some of you deal? I got myself a dog to feel safer in my home a few months back. (Little white friendly cockapoo named Buddy that loves attention... figures) and when I'm alone and start suffering from my panic...
  3. jd882

    Need an ear (or an eye)

    Hi all, This is my first time posting. I've come across this forum a couple times within the last year but never signed up for it. Couldn't talk about my issues. Well, I signed up last night in the midst of a panic attack and had to wait to be vaildated before I could post. Figures...