Recent content by FoXTAiL

  1. FoXTAiL

    Do girls like facial hair on guys?

    I was wondering what girls think of guys with facial hair, like a mustache, goatee, etc. Is it sexy, cute, ugly, or whatever? or do you prefer clean shaven.
  2. FoXTAiL

    Board games not intended for people with SA

    I remember in 9th grade, we had to play the game "Gestures", thats got to be the worse board game for people suffering from SA in my opinion because it involves all types of group interactions and acting out, trust me, I hate acting. So what board games do you think is not best for SA folks?
  3. FoXTAiL

    Interviewing people with SA, help!

    Hi guys, well recently I had to do a research paper in psychology and chose Social anxiety as my topic because I possibly have it as well. This paper is due in two days, so I appreciate any one who volunteers! :D 1) First I like to know when and how you got social anxiety to begin with, were...
  4. FoXTAiL

    Anyone have sweaty hands?

    Does any one have excessive sweaty hands? I usually get them when I feel like everyone is looking down on me... And it really sucks, especially during schools exams I'll start to sweat and its pretty embarrassing.