Recent content by ERose

  1. ERose

    I've met this nerd..

    through this forum, and he's lovely. So, Thank You very much :D
  2. ERose


    Enormity We all go into battle on our own someday. Walking into the fight in our very own way. The very own way where the remainder of the world is erased, the very own way where the importances are replaced. We loose sense of the future, sit back on the past. We make ourselves comfortable...
  3. ERose

    Such a long day

    I just want to curl up in bed accompanied by hot drinks all night and sleep for hours. When you've had a long and tiring day, where do you find comfort?
  4. ERose


    Effeminate She hasn't distinctive features, only the lines sat upon her skin. She hasn't the shape others admire, only the shape she regards as a sin. She hasn't the mammary glands, those that feed the life of one of her own. She hasn't the reflection that she was once shown.
  5. ERose

    What have you done today?

    I wanna' know :D
  6. ERose

    If you could live in any era

    Which one would it be? Mine would be the 1920s, there's so much elegance, authority, artistic movement. People have respect for one another as well as themselves which is something you don't see that often today.
  7. ERose

    Crossed legged, arms slumped vertically without any lead inside.

    Crossed legged, arms slumped vertically without any lead inside, still. I sat at the foreground of my surroundings, listening, smelling, and feeling every single possibility happening behind me. If I were to turn my stiffened yet powerless body around right now, just slightly to the left a...
  8. ERose

    Poetic Story?

    So I was thinking it would be fun as well as interesting to create a thread with a line of poetry and then someone else carry on a line and so on. To create some sort of poetic story. :) The object of doing this was so that I, and anyone else could see how a community who suffer with similar...
  9. ERose

    Blog here?

    I've been here for a few weeks but was wondering if there is a blog of any sort on our User places?
  10. ERose

    Rory Gallagher

    His songs are amazing, his lyrics are so pretty and he played his guitar amazingly.
  11. ERose


    Is there anyone else from around here?
  12. ERose


    There has to be other people here who love Art.. Any art students? artists?
  13. ERose

    Something I need to type to acknowledge

    I deserve to be happy.
  14. ERose


    I think it's pretty obvious why I'm here.. I also think it's about time I spoke to people who understand me a lot more often. So, Hey, I'm Erose :)