Recent content by don21

  1. D

    can't talk to anyone

    too shy and awkward at the pathetic age of 24.
  2. D

    couldn't make friend in college. After, it's hopeless.

    I'm 1 year out of college with zero friends. I made zero friends in college because of my social anxiety. I honestly tried my hardest in college which was supposed to be the easiest place to make friends. It wasn't enough. Now it seems impossible. I don't have the drive left and even if I did...
  3. D

    Depressed because i can't interact with people how i want to

    I spent time with a girl i like. She was flirting with me and i couldn't flirt back. All i could do was ask her questions. She was very bubbly and nice the whole time and even giggled at my awkwardness. I just couldn't keep up with her playfulness. It's sad because i know if i asked her out...
  4. D

    might quit my job because of work parties

    I am medical lab technician. The job itself is not a problem at all. It's the social aspect. We have a work outings/teambuilding every month (usually things like dinner, bowling, mini golf etc...) + we have work outings for holidays (dinners)+ we have at work events during holidays like secret...
  5. D

    really sad that I don't have a girlfriend

    I really want a girlfriend but I'm really shy. I feel really bad that I graduated college without getting one. All I do is go to work and come home. This doesn't bother me so much. I just want a girlfriend to come home to and eat dinner with and wind down for the day. I'd like that a lot. It's...
  6. D

    i went to a nail salon so a girl would touch my hand

    It felt really good. Wish I could experience it again...
  7. D

    How do you get stimulants prescribed for social anxiety?

    I want to try amphetamines for social anxiety, but doctors don't like prescribing them unless you have ADHD. I used to go to a psychiatrist, but all she gave me were antidepressants and the occasional benzo. I feel like antidepressants are sugar pills and benzos aren't very good for social...
  8. D

    weak voice and anxiety enhancing eachother

    One of the biggest giveaways of my anxiety is when I open my mouth to speak and the words come out all weak and muffled, like my voice is coming from a place in the top of my throat rather than somewhere deeper inside me. Whenever I meet someone on the street that I don't want to talk to the...
  9. D

    getting a girlfriend with SA?

    Is it even possible to get a girlfriend whilst having social anxiety? Seems like any girl of quality is going to expect the guy to take the lead and dominate. Impossible.
  10. D

    40 hours a week is too long...

    My anxiety is literally the worst at work. I don't even deal with people, but the constant worry about messing something up and being the awkward loner at work... It's unbearable. 40 hours a week is way too long to feel like this. How do you guys cope?
  11. D

    anyone else have zero hobbies?

    I don't enjoy anything. I use to play video games, but those got boring after playing them 12+ hours a day for years. I don't really have the attention span to watch TV for more than 1 episode although there are some shows I like. I would like to start smoking weed, but I don't have any...
  12. D

    very sad that I will never have a wife/kids

    I've always thought the point of life was to have kids. It's sad that I will never get to experience them. I don't want to be that creepy single 50 year old guy hitting on young girls at the bar still acting like he's 20. Whenever I see people like this I feel terrible for them. I can't imagine...
  13. D

    Severely depressed over graduating college single/friendless

    I just graduated college and didn't make a single friend all 4 years I was there. I also have never had a girlfriend and I've wanted one more than anything for longer than I can remember. I'm extremely lonely. I feel like it's only going to be harder now that I'm out of school. I'm considering...